I received my Spring 2017 Fabfitfun box in the mail the other day. I have been seeing all of these unboxing videos and thought to my self “Self (cause that’s what I call myself!)! I should make an unboxing video as well!” So I did!
I had so much fun doing it that I decided to start a youtube channel under the same name as this blog; Stilettos and Sawdust! Everyone do me a favour and head over there and subscribe to my channel and let me know what you think of the videos I have already made. If anyone has any suggestions on videos they would like to see in the future, please, let me know and I’ll do my best to oblige!
I thought I should review my Spring Fabfitfun box and let you all know what’s in it if you haven’t had a chance to check out the video yet.
I’ve been subscribing to Fabfitfun for the last 2+ years and in each box there are some amazing products that I can’t wait to use, and thereĀ is usually at least 1 product that I don’t really have a use for. BUT. This Spring 2017 box was different! There isn’t a single product in it that I won’t use (other than the Boho Roundie but I am sending that to my Boho Hippie Step-daughter!) This box contains over $360 worth of products! That is amazing! Fabfitfun boxes contain full sized samples and they are always products I have never seen or even heard of before. There are lots of skin care products that I have never tried and wouldn’t likely purchase on my own, so being able to try them in this box is amazing! Seriously, who knew facial peels where actually a real thing? All right, that’s not really fair, I knew they were a real thing, I just thought people came out of them looking like creatures from the black lagoon, but they are quite gentle and leave you with the softest smoothest skin!
They always advertise that it’s a fitness subscription box which I think is really inaccurate. This box contained a card for their new Fabfitfun TV workout system which is just workout videos that subscribers can use for no extra cost. The last box didn’t even have anything fitness related in it. In the past I have received a strap for my yoga mat, a towel for my yoga mat, and a resistance band (all in different boxes). I really don’t think it’s fair to call it a “fitness subscription” but I love it all the same.
The last few boxes have had some pretty beautiful pieces of jewelry, this Spring box had an amazing bangle bracelet that I LOVE, the last one had a necklace, I think the one before that had a necklace also. They are usually tasteful pieces that are well made.
I have never had any complaints about the Fabfitfun boxes, I think they are filled with useful products and it’s an amazing deal! If anyone has any questions about the boxes, or are thinking about getting themselves a subscription, don’t forget to let them know that I sent you!
xo K