I’ve never been shy in front of other people, I think it’s from the years of 4-H when I did public speaking and demonstrations. I’ve always enjoyed getting up in front of others and giving a talk about something, or showing someone how to do a craft. Or maybe it’s part of my narcissistic personality. I like to be the centre of attention. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t change it. The confident (sometimes cocky), outgoing, independent person I am is who I am happy being.
I used to worry what other people thought about me. I used to worry that I wasn’t someones cup of tea. I used to worry I would grow up to have no friends. I don’t know when that changed for me. All I know is that it did.
The way my close friends and family see me is obviously still important but not so important that I’m willing to change the key components of who I am to suit them. I am loud. I am occasionally arrogant. I am a smart ass. I love to be challenged. And I’m ok with that.
So when Rex mentioned that I should hold some classes at the store I was all over it! I could showcase some of my favorite projects. I could empower some women to use some basic woodworking tools. I could talk and people would listen to me lol. Perfect! So I settled into my computer and got to work scheduling my first class; a blanket ladder.
Blanket ladders are the perfect beginner woodworking project. They require only a few basic tools, a few basic pieces of lumber, and they’re relatively simple to put together!
Filled with excitement I posted that first advertisement for my class on Facebook and had my fingers crossed I would get some interest. And I did! I had the 6 spots in that class filled before the day was out! Awesome!
In the weeks leading up to the class I put together some instruction sheets for everyone, got together all of the supplies I needed and went through the evening in my head dozens of times. When the big night came, I was ready.
I was very fortunate I had a great group of ladies attend this first class, most of whom had never operated any woodworking tools before. Their husbands owned all of the tools but they had never ventured into the shop themselves and “had a go”.
By the time the evening was through everyone had a beautiful blanket ladder that they were extremely proud of. And I was proud of each and every one of them. None of them hesitated to use the saw, the drill, the sander, none of it!
And all of them left with all 10 fingers! Win win!!
So today I sit at my computer at the kitchen table (my office is just too cramped to feel creative there!) and work on the schedule for the next classes! I posted my photos from last night on Facebook today and they were so well received I know I won’t have a problem filling the next ones!